Order: Owls

Northern White-faced Owl

Northern White-faced Owls stand at about ten inches tall, comparable in size to Eastern Screech-Owls. They are distinguished by their prominent ear tufts and a striking white facial disc outlined…

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Spectacled Owl

Adult Spectacled Owls are distinctive for their brown upperparts and head with whitish face markings resembling a pair of glasses. As juveniles, their facial markings are the complete opposite—pure white…

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A Eurasian Eagle Owl

Eurasian Eagle-Owls have the largest wingspan of any owl species, reaching a whopping 6.5 feet! This species is widely distributed across Europe and Asia, and frequents a variety of habitats,…

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An Eastern Screech-Owl on a glove

Eastern Screech-Owls are a very common owl species throughout North America, and they have gotten very used to living near humans. These pint-sized owls can be gray or a reddish-brown….

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Burrowing Owls are a small, long-legged species of owl that spends the majority of its time on the ground. They are native to open grassland, prairie, and desert habitats and…

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Headshot of a Barred Owl

A relatively common Nearctic owl, the Barred Owl inhabits mature mixed deciduous-coniferous forests, often near streams or wooded swamps. This owl nests primarily in cavities, with both parents helping to…

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Guam kingfishers hatched at National Aviary among first released into wild in nearly 40 years | CBS News

Three Guam kingfishers that hatched at the National Aviary have been released on an island in the Pacific, marking the first time their species has been in the wild in nearly 40 years.

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Guam Sihek Released to the Wild | National Aviary

Nine Guam Kingfishers have been released to the wild on Palmyra Atoll, making them the first of their kind to reside in the wild since the 1980s.  

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Take an Enchanting Journey through Forests this fall at the National Aviary! | National Aviary

Explore the Aviary’s new fall seasonal theme, Forests Presented by Peoples; learn more about the creatures who inhabit these woodland areas during TWO new daily activities, and say “hello again!” to the adorable Eurasian Eagle-Owl making her Animal Ambassador debut!

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  Extinct in the Wild birds head to new home ahead of first wild release | National Aviary

Precious Guam Kingfishers arrived on the Pacific Island as part of a project to re-establish a wild population 

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National Aviary works to bring back bird that’s extinct in the wild | CBS News

The National Aviary may be based in Pittsburgh but the important work they do spans the globe - playing an instrumental part in saving a bird that's been extinct in the wild for 40 years.

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