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Scaly-sided Mergansers rely on aquatic prey that can only live in clean water, which makes them a good bio-indicator (an organism that can indicate the health of an ecosystem) of water quality.
The Scaly-sided Merganser is a diving duck that breeds in Siberia, northern China, and Korea, and winters in southern China and in Russia. This species makes its home along clear, fast-flowing mountain rivers and forested streams in the taiga, a swampy coniferous forest between the tundra and the steppes. Scaly-sided Merganser females sometimes end up caring for two or even three times the number of their chicks through a process called “brood amalgamation,” where other females’ chicks get absorbed into a different brood. The species is endangered, and is harmed by logging, dam construction, gold mining, and recreational water use.
Predominantly found along clear, fast-flowing mountain rivers and forested streams in the taiga; some birds use brackish and marine water during their molt-migration in fall
Small fish and aquatic invertebrates
Scaly-sided Mergansers nest in tree hollows. Females incubate 10-11 eggs for 32 days. Hatchlings leave the nest after 48 hours, but females continue to care for them for up to eight weeks.

The Scarlet Ibis is the national bird of the island of Trinidad and Tobago.
Scarlet Ibis are beautiful birds noted for the vibrancy of their namesake scarlet feathers. These bright birds are found in mangrove swamps and wetlands of northern South America, feeding on crustaceans as they wade through water. Like other ibis species, the Scarlet Ibis is very social, and sometimes even forages with other species like herons and spoonbills. They have also been known to follow behind foraging ducks, catching and eating insects disturbed by the ducks’ passage.
Mangrove swamps, muddy estuaries, and tidal mudflats; also freshwater marshes, shallow lakes, sewage ponds, lagoons, flooded areas, fish ponds and rice fields.
Insects, mollusks, and other small crustaceans.
Least Concern
Nests colonially in very large colonies of hundreds or even thousands of pairs, often with other ibises and herons. Nest is small platform of sticks. Clutch is normally two eggs; incubation 21 - 23 days; chicks fledge in 35 - 42 days.

Scarlet Macaws eat at communal clay licks, which help to neutralize toxins present in many of the foods they eat.
Scarlet Macaws are a striking bird, known for their deep red coloring and white faces. In their tropical evergreen habitats, they can often be seen flying in pairs or in family groups. Their calls can be loud and harsh, and Scarlet Macaws in human care can sometimes mimic human speech. They have powerful beaks and strong feet built for grasping. While not globally threatened, habitat loss and trapping for the illegal wildlife trade are concerns for this species.
A symbolic Scarlet Macaw adoption makes a great gift, and helps us care for our flock!
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Humid lowland evergreen forest and gallery woodland in savannas, often in vicinity of exposed river banks and clearings with big trees
Vegetarian, eating the fruit, seeds, flowers, nectar, and sap of a great many kinds of rainforest trees; they must also eat clay at communal clay licks in order to neutralize toxins present in many of the foods they eat.
Least Concern
Scarlet Macaws nest in natural or previously excavated cavities in trees, where the female will incubate a clutch of 1-4 (usually 2) eggs for an average of 28 days. After hatching, both parents feed the chicks 4 to 15 times a day, by regurgitating food for the hatchlings. Chicks fledge from the nest after 14 weeks. but remain with their parents for up to 1 year.
Because they are very vocal and musical, numerous species in this family of birds, known as babblers and laughingthrushes, are prized as songsters. While their musical abilities make them quite popular, this trait also makes them susceptible to the illegal wildlife trade.
The striking Scarlet-faced Liocichla is found in the dense, hilly forests in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. These birds are typically furtive, spending much of their time foraging in the forest undergrowth. Scarlet-faced Liocichlas are known for being very vocal and musical like other members of the bird family that contains laughinghthrushes and babblers. As such, they are susceptible to illegal wildlife trafficking.
Dense hill forest with thick undergrowth
Forages in undergrowth and on the ground for insects, fruits, and seeds
Least Concern
The Scarlet-faced Liocichla breeds in April-June. Its nest is a cup placed in sapling trees, thorn bushes, or bamboo clumps. They have a clutch of 3 pale blue eggs with red streaking, which are incubated for about 14 days.

Unlike many blackbird species, the male and female of this species look alike, which reflects their strictly monogamous reproductive strategy.
The Scarlet-headed Blackbird is a striking bird found in wetlands in South America. This insectivore particularly favors tropical or warm temperate marshes with tall emergent vegetation such as sedges and cattails. This bird will also sometimes use adjacent grasslands or agricultural fields. The nest is a sturdy cup-shaped structure built mostly from interlaced strips of cattail leave. Although the Scarlet-headed Blackbird is susceptible to land use changes that affect the quality and extent of wetlands, it is not globally threatened.
Tropical or warm temperate marshes with tall emergent vegetation, particularly sedges and cattails; will sometimes use adjacent grasslands or agricultural fields
Diet mostly insects; reported also as eating small frogs; in the non-breeding season, cultivated maize and sorghum seeds
Least Concern
Females, with some help from males, build a sturdy, cup-shaped nest from interlaced strips of cattails, lined with finer strips of cattail. Females incubate a clutch of 2-4 eggs for 13-14 days while the male guards the nest. The male helps to feed nestlings, which fledge after 13 days.
Both sexes have extremely long tail feathers (up to 10 in. long), but the males’ tails are about 50% longer than the females’ on average.
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, with its extremely long and distinctive tail, is a resident of savannas, fields, and pastures, as well as landscaped areas where there is a mix of trees, perches, and open areas. This flycatchers breeding range extends across south-central North America, while it winters in southern Mexico south through Panama. The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is an insectivore, catching cicadas, grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, moths, and other flying insects. This species is not currently considered threatened.
Breeds mainly in savannas; also in towns, agricultural fields, pastures, landscaped areas such as golf courses or parks, wherever there is a mix of trees, perches, and open areas. Scattered trees or shrubs, fences, fencerow vegetation, and forested riparian buffers provide needed nesting sites and perches.
Diet almost exclusively insectivorous; cicadas, grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, moths, and other flying insects caught by aerial hawking (catching in flight) or sally-gleaning (flying from a perch and taking prey off foliage).
Least Concern
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher builds a substantial nest in an isolated tree or shrub, about 3 meters up. They typically lay 5 eggs, which are incubated for 14-15 days. Young fledge after 14-17 days.
Males and females of the species look almost identical. A recent study found that even the birds themselves cannot tell the sex of unfamiliar members of their species until one of them sings.
The Shaft-tailed Finch, or Long-tailed Finch, is a handsome bird from northern Australia, where it is found in open woodlands, dry grassy savannas, and grassy brushland especially near water courses. Like similar finches, it feeds on ripe and half-ripe grass seeds on the ground, but during the breeding season will consume more insects off the vegetation. Nests are constructed of grasses in trees and are bulky, rounded, with an entrance tube. The Shaft-tailed Finch is not globally threatened, although it was heavily trapped for the cage bird trade in the first part of the 20th century.
Open woodlands; dry grassy savannas with watercourses, grassy bushland
Eats ripe and half-ripe grass seeds; also adult and larval insects, especially in breeding season. Forages for seeds on the ground, but captures aerial insects by sally-striking (grabbing in a fluid movement) at vegetation.
Least Concern
Made from grasses and stems and lined with feathers, plant wool, or fine grass, the nest of the Shaft-tailed Finch is bulky, rounded, and has an entrance tube. It is built in a tree several meters above ground, in bushes or vines, or sometimes in nestboxes. The clutch of 3-6 eggs is incubated for 13-14 days. Chicks fledge after 21 days and are independent about 3 weeks after that.
The Silver Gull is the most common gull in Australia.
The Silver Gull is the most common gull found in Australia. It is most common in coastal areas but can be found throughout the continent. They use a variety of habitats, from sandy and rocky shores to garbage dumps, and breed on small islands. Their diet is as varied as their habitats. The Silver Gull will eat jellyfish, crustaceans, small mammals, and items scavenged from garbage dumps. This species is not globally threatened and is in fact increasing.
Uses both coastal (marine) and inland (brackish and freshwater) habitats, including sandy and rocky shores, beaches, garbage dumps, and inland fields. Breeds on small islands, beaches, and peninsulas with low vegetation
Diet includes jellyfish, squid, worms, insects, crustaceans, arachnids, small fish, frogs, birds and mammals, as well as some plant material, such as seed and berries. Opportunistically steals food from terns, pelicans, and a variety of other birds. Also scavenges along shore and at garbage dumps
Least Concern
Silver Gulls breed in large colonies on offshore islands. Their nests are located on the ground, often next to low shrubs, rocks, and jetties. Both adults share nest-building, incubation, and feeding duties. The clutch size is 1-3 eggs, incubated for 19-27 days. Young are fed for 4-6 weeks after hatching.
In various displays, the male points his bill upwards to maximize the appearance of its silvery color. The female’s bill lacks the contrasting silver mandible.
The Silver-beaked Tanager is a striking South American tanager of brushy forest borders, overgrown clearings, second growth, and shrubs around habitations and riverbanks. Often feeding in small groups, this tanager consumes about equal proportions of arthropods and fruit. Nesting birds are sometimes found close together, and it is occasionally a cooperative breeder with helpers attending the young. Pairs do not seem to defend territories against conspecifics. The Silver-beaked Tanager is not globally threatened.
Brushy forest borders, overgrown clearings, second growth, shrubbery around habitations, and shrubby vegetation along riverbanks
Arthropods and fruit in about equal proportions; some flowers and nectar; often feeds in groups of 4-10 birds, and sometimes found feeding alongside other species when following an army ant swarm
Least Concern
Silver-beaked Tanagers sometimes nest close together and breed cooperatively, with helpers attending the young. They build bulky, deep cup nests of dead leaves and plant fibers in bushes. The female incubates a clutch of 1-3 eggs for 12 days. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge after 11-12 days.

The foot color of Snowy Egrets changes from yellow to reddish-orange in the breeding season.
Snowy Egrets are strikingly beautiful birds, with pure white plumage and graceful and elaborate courtship displays. The feathers of the Snowy Egret were highly sought after for fashion, primarily for women’s hats, throughout the late 1800s and into the early twentieth century. The species’ population declined rapidly until restrictions on hunting were put into place and the feather trade was ended. Snowy Egrets made a comeback and even extended their range. They are adaptable to a range of environmental foraging conditions. Snowy Egrets are a focal species that attracts other waders to foraging aggregations, and the addition of more feeding birds may increase success rates for all foraging birds. The Snowy Egret’s bright yellow feet enhance a foraging maneuvers, like “foot-stirring” that attract or startle prey. Today, the Snowy Egret remains vulnerable to oil spills, habitat loss, plastic pollution, and pesticides.
Shallow estuaries, salt-marsh pools, tidal channels, shallow bays, and mangroves
Wide range of prey items including earthworms, aquatic and terrestrial insects, crabs, shrimp, prawns, crayfish, other crustaceans, snails, freshwater and marine fish, frogs/toads, and snakes/lizards
Least Concern
The male attracts a mate with elaborate courtship displays, including dipping, bill raising, aerial displays, diving, tumbling, and calling. The immediate vicinity of the nest is vigorously defended from other birds, and the female constructs the nest with materials brought by the male. Nests are built 2-3 m up in a tree or shrub. A clutch of 3-5 eggs is incubated for 22-23 d by both sexes. Both sexes feed the young, which fledge in about 3-4 weeks.
Southern Bald Ibises forage across fields in flocks of up to 100 birds;. They will flip over cow patties to feed on dung-eating insects.
The Southern Bald Ibis is a gregarious, glossy bluish-black ibis restricted to the southern tips of South Africa. This ibis resides in mountainous regions, where it prefers higher elevation short-grass habitats, as well as recently burned, plowed, mowed, or heavily grazed fields and cultivated lands. In these grasslands, the Southern Bald Ibis feeds frequently in large flocks, primarily searching for grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars. This species usually nests colonially, building a platform of sticks on ledges or cliffs where it may be safer from predators. This ibis has suffered from human disturbances at its colonial nest sites, and impacts on grassland foraging grounds.
High altitude grasslands, usually at 1200–1850 m. Prefers short-grass habitats, such as recently burned, plowed, mowed, or heavily grazed fields and cultivated lands.
Insects, especially grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars. Prey may also include earthworms, snails, frogs and small dead mammals and birds.
The Southern Bald Ibis usually nests in colonies of 2–72 pairs, but sometimes singly. Their nest is a platform of sticks lined with soft vegetation placed on ledges or cliffs. Clutch size is 1-3 eggs, and the incubation period is about 30 days. Fledging can occur between 40 and 60 days.

The Southern Three-banded Armadillo is the only armadillo species that can completely curl up into a ball!
Southern Three-banded Armadillos are one of the mammal species living at the National Aviary. They are among the smaller of the armadillo species, and are native to grassy areas and forests throughout Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Armadillos have very acute senses of hearing and smell, which helps them to find termites and ants and then use their strong legs and claws to grab. Their strong senses also help them to detect predators. When startled, the Southern Three-banded Armadillo will roll up into a tight ball for protection.
The National Aviary is home to more than 500 birds and other animals representing 150 species; some of which live in behind-the-scenes habitats. To enhance our guests’ educational experience, and with regard to individual bird preferences, different species may spend time in various public-facing habitats.
In The News
2 African penguin chicks hatch at National Aviary | MSN
The National Aviary is welcoming two new adorable African penguin chicks.
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Guests can see Gouda daily at 3:15 p.m., except when the Aviary is closed on Tuesdays, for the skunk painting encounter.
Read More »National Aviary welcomes 2 African penguin chicks | KDKA News
WATCH NOW: The National Aviary is welcoming two new adorable African penguin chicks.
Read More »2 African penguin chicks hatch at National Aviary | KDKA News
The aviary says the first chick hatched on Feb. 7 and weighed 60.5 grams, which is about as much as the standard pack of gum. The younger sibling hatched a few days later on Feb. 10, weighing around 55 grams.
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The National Aviary on Pittsburgh’s North Side is “overjoyed” to welcome the arrival of two baby penguins.
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