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The Blue-grey Tanager is perhaps the most familiar of all tanagers to rural and urban inhabitants alike, and one of the most familiar of all birds in settled areas of the northern Neotropics. It can often be seen at fruit feeders.
One of the most familiar tanagers of the Neotropics, the Blue-grey Tanager ranges from Mexico south through Central and South America. This species uses a wide variety of non-forest and human-altered habitats, including cacao and coffee plantations, city parks and gardens, and second growth forest and forest edges. Typically seen in pairs, this tanager may join mixed-species flocks while foraging on arthropods and fruit. The nest is a deep cup of rootlets, moss, grass, and other materials, sometimes constructed of materials taken from other tanagers, euphonias, and flycatchers. The Blue-grey Tanager is widespread and abundant, and is not considered threatened.
Uses a wide variety of non-forest and human-altered habitats, including cacao and coffee plantations, city parks and gardens, young to old second growth forest and forest edges, and brushy margins of rivers and lakes
Fruits, arthropods and nectar; everywhere found as pairs, but will sometimes join mixed species flocks
Least Concern
Both sexes build a nest that is a thick, deep cup of rootlets, moss, grass, and fine materials, well hidden in the fork of a leafy branch, the base of a palm frond, or even in the crevice of a building. Females incubate a clutch of 1-3 eggs for 12-14 days. Both sexes feed the chicks, which fledge after 17-18 days.

Like other reptile species, Blue-tongued Skinks have a Jacobson’s organ on the roof of their mouth. As they stick out their tongue, they pick up scent particles (like humans smell through their nose). The Jacobson’s organ will process information from these particles, helping the skink to distinguish between potential mates, prey, or predators.
Named after their iconic, vibrant, blue tongue, the Blue-tongued Skink is a multi-faceted reptile. As an omnivore, Blue-tongued Skinks eat both plants and animals. While they aren’t poisonous or venomous, they trick predators into believing they are! In the wild, bright colors tend to indicate that an animal is toxic or venomous. As a defense mechanism, when threatened they stick their bright tongue out which indicates to potential predators that they are “poisonous.”
But their tricks don’t stop there! Because of their distinct, banded pattern, and ability to tuck in their legs, these skinks can mimic snakes as they hide in tall grasses and thick forests.
If neither of these tricks works to protect the skink, they will drop their tail and run in a different direction. Once detached, their tail continues to move around – distracting the predator’s attention allowing the reptile to seek safety.
They are a larger lizard species, reaching up to two feet in length.
Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania
Forest, deserts, shrubland, grasslands
Insects, snails, carrion, wildflowers, fruits
Least Concern
Females give birth to 10 – 20 live young. Offspring take about three years to mature.
Boat-billed Herons are named for their oddly shaped bills that resemble an overturned row boat.
Boat-billed Herons have shorter legs and squatter bodies than most herons, but their distinguishing feature is their very large and broad bill and huge, dark eyes. The eyes are an indication of their foraging behavior, which takes place at dusk and early night. Native to the Neotropics, this heron is an inhabitant of coastal mangroves and other kinds of dense forest along low-lying rivers, freshwater creeks, and lakes, the Boat-billed Heron feeds mostly on fish, small rodents, and reptiles. Although not considered threatened, human disturbance at nesting colonies has been known to negatively impact reproductive success.
Mangroves and other kinds of dense forest along coastal rivers, margins of freshwater creeks, lakes, marshes, and swamps
Fish, small rodents, and reptiles, the eggs of other smaller birds, and various insects and crustaceans
Least Concern
The female lays 2-4 bluish white eggs per clutch in a twig nest. The incubation period is about 20 days and both parents assist with incubation and chick rearing.
The Brown Pelican is one of only three pelican species found in the Western Hemisphere, and one of only two pelican species which feed by diving directly down into the water.
Pelicans are large, bulky waterbirds with webbed feet, short legs, and a remarkably long bill. The underside of their bills extends into a pouch that can hold 2-3 gallons of water at a time, which they use to trap fish. When hunting, they spot their prey from the air and plunge into the water head-first. After trapping the fish, they drain the water out the sides of the bill, and then swallow the fish whole. Brown Pelicans incubate their eggs with their feet, essentially standing on them to keep them warm.
Unfortunately, the use of the pesticide DDT caused Brown Pelican numbers to plummet during the 20th century. Much like the decline of the Bald Eagle, DDT thinned the pelicans’ egg shells, causing them to break during incubation. After DDT use was banned, Brown Pelican numbers slowly recovered and they were officially removed from the Federal Endangered Species list in 1985.
Primarily warm coastal marine and estuarine environments year-round; rests on sandbars, jetties, piers; nests in coastal mangroves and on offshore and barrier islands
Least Concern
Brown Pelicans nest in colonies during the breeding season. Males select a nest site and bring females nesting materials to build the nest. They build their nests in trees, bushes, or on the ground and lay a clutch of 2-4 eggs. Both parents care for the chicks.
The smallest North American duck, the Bufflehead is named for its very large (like a buffalo) head.
The Bufflehead is a small, handsome resident of permanent freshwater ponds and lakes within the boreal forest and aspen parkland zone of North America. The smallest duck species in North America nests in old woodpecker cavities in poplar, spruce, or fir trees near water. This duck is small enough to fit in the nest cavities of Northern Flicker woodpeckers, which have a hole only about 2.5 inches in diameter! Buffleheads are almost exclusively monogamous and nest in the same spot every year. Bufflehead chicks are precocial, meaning they are able to walk and feed themselves shortly after hatching, and they leave the nest only a day after they’ve hatched. Although not threatened, this diving duck is susceptible to loss of nesting sites from timbering and development of the forest near lakes, and to environmental contamination by heavy metals like mercury and cadmium.
Permanent freshwater ponds and lakes within the boreal forest and aspen parkland zone of North America; prefers slightly alkaline lakes with minimal emergent and submergent vegetation
Aquatic invertebrates, including insects, crustaceans, and mollusks; also fish eggs and the seeds and tubers of aquatic plants
Least Concern
Buffleheads lay a clutch of 7-11 eggs in old woodpecker cavities in poplar, spruce, or fir trees near water.
Unlike most owls, which are nocturnal, Burrowing Owls are active both day and night.
Burrowing Owls are a small, long-legged species of owl that spends the majority of its time on the ground. They are native to open grassland, prairie, and desert habitats and range from southern Canada (where they are considered an endangered species) to the drier habitats of South America. They have also been found nesting in man-made structures and in close proximity with people on golf courses, campuses, and suburbs. Burrowing Owls differ from most owls in a variety of ways. They are primarily terrestrial and nest underground, while the majority of owls are cavity nesters or use the nests of other birds, such as crows or hawks. This owl’s habit of nesting in colonies in underground burrows across flat, treeless habitats has put it in competition with many kinds of human development, such as agriculture, housing plans, golf courses, and airports. As a result, programs exist to safely translocate Burrowing Owls and to attract them to nearby protected sites using artificial burrows.
Thank You to Our Burrowing Owl Habitat Sponsor:
Grasslands, steppes, deserts; often found in agricultural fields, golf courses, cemeteries, and airports
Small rodents, large insects, invertebrates
Least Concern
Burrowing Owls nest in abandoned mammal burrows. They lay 3-12 eggs which the female incubates for 28 days. Chicks leave the nest and begin hunting at approximately 6 weeks of age.

The male Cabot’s Tragopan’s display involves pumping his head up and down while waving his wings, culminating in a sudden erect stance and the dramatic unfurling of a stunning blue-and-red patterned fleshy lappet and two blue horns on top of his head.
An inhabitant of high mountain ranges in eastern China, the Cabot’s Tragopan—also sometimes called the Yellow-bellied Tragopan—is a grouse-like bird. Male Cabot’s Tragopans perform a spectacular display at dawn and dusk, sometimes while perched on a mossy log, which is reminiscent of Pennsylvania’s state bird, the Ruffed Grouse. Both the Ruffed Grouse and Cabot’s Tragopan flap and drum their wings during courtship displays, but the tragopan takes it a step further, slowly fanning his wings while rhythmically pumping his head up and down. He inflates two fleshy blue horns on top of his head, unfurls a red-and-blue wattle, then abruptly rears up, drums his wings, and cranes his neck. The display transforms this dusty brown bird into a colorful curiosity! This species is threatened by logging and farming, as well as hunting outside of protected areas.
Mixed deciduous forest at higher elevations with well-developed understory, including especially the dioecious fruiting shrub or small tree known as Daphniphyllum macropodum
Nuts, seeds, and leaves; also eats fern rhizomes and occasionally small invertebrates
Cabot’s Tragopans use old squirrel and bird nests. Females incubate 3-5 eggs, which hatch after 28 days.

The Capuchinbird is also known as the Calfbird, because of its strange, loud, mooing call.
The Capuchinbird is an unusual-looking, brown-to-orange bird of the canopy of tropical lowland evergreen forests of northeastern South America. This species primarily consumes a wide variety of fruits, but also many different larger invertebrates. The Capuchinbird gathers in leks during the mating season where males compete for the attention of the female in a communal space. Their nests of twigs are then built in the understory in the fork of branches near the lek site. The Capuchinbird is not currently considered under threat.
Canopy of tropical lowland evergreen forest
Primarily a wide variety of fruits; also many larger invertebrates, like walkingsticks
Least Concern
The Capuchinbird builds a nest of twigs in the fork of tree branches in the understory. The female lays a single egg and she alone incubates it for 26-27 days. Care of the chick is also carried out exclusively by the female, who brings fruits, grasshoppers, insects, and even small vertebrates to the nest. Young fledge in about 4 weeks.
These tortoises are well-known to withstand extreme environmental conditions. During the summer, they can be found in high-temperature areas, while in the winter, they enter a state of brumation (the reptile equivalent to torpor) to survive the cold.
The Central Asian Tortoise thrives in dry, semi-arid regions with sparse vegetation. They are characterized by their domed, yellowish-brown to green shells featuring a distinct pattern of light and dark markings.
They feed primarily on grasses, weeds, and some flowers and are well-adapted to surviving harsh environments. In their natural habitats, their diet helps control the growth of vegetation, protecting the delicate balance of their respective ecosystem. They have a slow metabolic rate and are typically solitary– only coming together during breeding season.
Measuring around eight – 10 inches in length, it’s a docile tortoise that is facing population decline due to the illegal pet trade and poaching.
Ecologists have even recorded birds using desert tortoise burrows for survival such as gathering nest materials, taking dust baths, and hunting.
Central Asia
Open, dry areas with sand for burrowing
Assorted vegetables and grasses
Females lay multiple clutches of eggs throughout warmer months. Females bury them in shallow nests, and after incubation, the hatchlings emerge with a fully-formed shell.
Common Grackles have truly beautiful iridescence, with a variety of metallic blue, green, purple, and bronze colors. In the East, grackles tend to be more purple on their back, whereas in the Midwest they are bronze colored on the back, and based on this difference the two forms used to be considered separate subspecies.
The beautifully iridescent Common Grackle is found throughout much of North America where it inhabits a wide variety of open or partially open habitats with scattered trees. The grackle is omnivorous, eating a wide variety of seeds, grains, fruits, insects, and small vertebrates, as well as human food scraps. They build a bulky nest, commonly in wooded residential areas and often near water. The Common Grackle is considered a common bird in steep decline, though they remain widespread and abundant.
A wide variety of open or partially open habitats with scattered trees
Omnivorous, eating a wide variety of seeds, grains, fruits, insects, and small vertebrates
Near Threatened
Common Grackles build bulky nests in conifers, sometimes nesting with other grackles in a loose colony, often nesting in wooded residential areas and near water. Females incubate a clutch of 1-7 eggs (usually 5-6) for 12-15 days. Both sexes feed nestlings until they fledge at 12-15 days. Shortly after fledging, young birds begin to form flocks.
The Crested Coua is often very vocal before sunset. It gives loud, descending “guay-guay-guay-guay-gwuck” and often several birds call together and respond to each other’s calls, creating a melodious twilight chorus.
The Crested Coua is found in drier habitats of the Afrotropical region, including coastal deciduous forest, savanna, spiny brushland, palms, and mangroves. The Crested Coua eats large insects, snails, small lizards, and occasionally other birds’ eggs, but also some berries, seeds, and fruits. These are collected at higher levels of the forest, mostly by walking along branches, gleaning food items as it goes; it often works its way up from the base of one tree, and upon reaching the top, flies down to the base of an adjacent tree and then repeats the process.
Primarily coastal deciduous forest, savanna, spiny brushland, palms, and mangroves. Sometimes favors recently burnt areas of forest; absent from humid and wet forests
Large insects, snails, small lizards, and other birds' eggs; also some berries, seeds, and fruits
Least Concern
Both sexes build a bulky, shallow bowl of twigs and rootlets for the nest, usually 2-5 meters above the ground in a tree. Two eggs are incubated for about two weeks; chicks fledge quickly, at 10 days.

The oil from a Crested Oropendola’s preen gland gives this bird a distinctive musky smell.
The Crested Oropendola inhabits forest edges and clearings in lowland South America east of the Andes Mountains. This species forages mostly in the upper stratum of trees on fruits, insects, and spiders, as well as small vertebrates such as tree frogs. The Crested Oropendola will also take cultivated fruits such as oranges, papayas, and mangos. Crested Oropendolas breed in colonies of 2–40 nests, with a dominant male that does most of the mating. Nests, built by the females, are spectacular pensile (hanging) pouches, open at the top, that may be as long as 5 feet. The Crested Oropendola is regarded as an agricultural pest in fruit orchards and plantations in some areas, and is locally persecuted, but it is not considered threatened.
Forest edges and clearings
Forages mostly in the upper stratum of trees on fruits, insects, and spiders; also small vertebrates, such as tree frogs; cultivated fruits (oranges, papayas, mangos); nectar from flowers of Erythrina trees, which are commonly planted for "shade" in coffee and cacao plantations
Least Concern
Crested Oropendolas breed in colonies of 2-40 nests, but most colonies have 10 or fewer. Colonies have dominant males that do most of the mating. Females build pensile, or hanging, nests from neatly woven plant fibers and lined with dry leaves. Each nest is suspended from a high branch tip of an isolated tree, often hanging over a river or channel. The female lays 2 eggs, incubates them for 17-19 days, and feeds nestlings for 28-34 days. Male parental care is limited to guarding the colony.

The National Aviary is home to more than 500 birds and other animals representing 150 species; some of which live in behind-the-scenes habitats. To enhance our guests’ educational experience, and with regard to individual bird preferences, different species may spend time in various public-facing habitats.
In The News
2 African penguin chicks hatch at National Aviary | MSN
The National Aviary is welcoming two new adorable African penguin chicks.
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Guests can see Gouda daily at 3:15 p.m., except when the Aviary is closed on Tuesdays, for the skunk painting encounter.
Read More »National Aviary welcomes 2 African penguin chicks | KDKA News
WATCH NOW: The National Aviary is welcoming two new adorable African penguin chicks.
Read More »2 African penguin chicks hatch at National Aviary | KDKA News
The aviary says the first chick hatched on Feb. 7 and weighed 60.5 grams, which is about as much as the standard pack of gum. The younger sibling hatched a few days later on Feb. 10, weighing around 55 grams.
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The National Aviary on Pittsburgh’s North Side is “overjoyed” to welcome the arrival of two baby penguins.
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