Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-Advised Funds

Did you know that donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States, because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give?

At the National Aviary, we are fortunate to be the recipient of contributions from numerous donor-advised funds, which support our critical work in ecological research, veterinary and husbandry advances, and educational outreach. These initiatives would not be possible without donor support, and this partnership advances the global conservation of birds and their habitats.

What is a donor-advised fund?

A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving vehicle sponsored by a public charity, such as Fidelity Charitable®, Schwab Charitable®, or the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund®, that allows you to make a contribution to that charity and be eligible for an immediate tax deduction. Once your DAF is established, you are able to recommend grants to the National Aviary.

How do you use the DAF Direct form (if you have a DAF)?

  • Select the sponsoring organization from the “Donate now from:” field.
  • Enter the name of the charity receiving the grant in the “Designation” field.
  • Enter the amount (in dollars) you would like to recommend in the “Amount:” field.

Click on the “NEXT” button to proceed to the sponsoring organization’s website to complete your donor-advised fund transaction. (Please note: you will be directed to an external website to complete your transaction.)

Get started

If you have questions about giving to the National Aviary through a DAF, please contact your financial advisor, or contact us at [email protected] or 412-323-7235.

In The News

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National Aviary welcomes 10 new animal ambassadors | WPXI

The National Aviary is welcoming 10 animal ambassadors into its family.

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National Aviary gets 7 new species | MSN

The aviary says it's already home to more than 500 animals, and the new species highlight the importance of biodiversity in shared ecosystems. 

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National Aviary gets 7 new species | CBS News

Seven new species are getting a home at the National Aviary, and most of them aren't birds.

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National Aviary getting new avian conservation center | CBS News

The aviary is getting a new property, Shady Side Academy Middle School and it will create a first-of-its-kind conservancy. KDKA's Jessica Guay spoke with National Aviary executive director Cheryl Tracy about the new facility.

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The National Aviary Welcomes 10 NEW Animal Ambassadors! | National Aviary

Seven new species are joining the National Aviary family, including mammals and reptiles, and they highlight the importance of biodiversity in shared ecosystems.

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