Sensory Friendly Time

Explore the National Aviary during Sensory Friendly Time, designed for those with sensory processing needs to make the most of their Aviary experience!
Upcoming Dates
Wed., January 15, February 12, and March 12 | 10 am – Noon
Wed., April 9 and May 14 | 1:30 – 3:30 pm
- A sensory-friendly version of our NEW Live, Immersive Bird Show Presented By AAA Travel; coming Spring 2025!
- During this show, lighting is consistent and volume is low making for a great viewing experience
- Sensory Friendly Bags from KultureCity available at our Visitors Services Desk*
- Bags feature headphones, fidget toys, and emotion cards
- Interactive Play Spaces throughout the Aviary*
- Designated headphone zones*
*These sensory-inclusive features are available ANY time you visit, not just during Sensory Friendly Time!
Call 412-323-7235 to register.
Sensory Bags from KultureCity, equipped with headphones, fidget toys, and other items, are available to borrow daily, and a helpful sensory guide to the sights, sounds, and climate of the National Aviary’s habitats can be viewed in advance.
Download and print our 2025 Sensory Guide here.
Click here to see our full list of Accessibility guidelines.